<email from January 2nd sent to friends>
Average weight below 160 lbs. for a month
Average below 155 lbs. for a month
10 pull-ups
Marathon PR ( I realized after this year that a new marathon PR should never be put in the easy goals)
Run more miles than last year
Get to below 150 lbs. on marathon day
Incorporate strength training all year
15 pull-ups
sub 20 5K
sub 3:30 Marathon
Crazy Hard:
Run over 2000 miles
Have ripped abs
20 pull-ups
sub 19 5K
As you can see my goals are a little different than last year. First of all, there will be a new baby Bilenkin that will occupy a bit of my time in the Spring. Given that, I didn’t want to set as many total distance goals. Instead, I want to do more with the time I have. I think a lot of that will have to do with me getting fitter by losing weight. I still think I can get faster and not run as many miles. Don’t get me wrong. I will still be looking do 60+ mile weeks once I start training for NY (assuming I’m able to run it), but for the mean time leading up to and around the due date, I will be running reduced miles. I also wanted to start incorporating some strength training, and for whatever reason I want to be able to do a lot of pull-ups.
As far as race plans, I’m still not completely sure. I would really love to do River to Sea again, but I’ll have to talk to April about that first. I am not going to be running the Rutgers half because it is right around the due date. I’m not going to be doing any ultras in 2013 because they require so much time, but I am excited to get back to it the following year. I would like to do a couple 5Ks though and definitely plan on doing the Hillsborough Hop.
</email from January 2nd sent to friends>
Shortly after I sent this email to Pete, Joe, Sachin and Andy, Pete suggested that we all do P90X. I remember P90X as what Pete did before he started running a few years ago which really got me to start running. So I have a warm place for P90X in my heart before even doing it. I immediately decided that this would be perfect. Joe agreed as well and so the three of us started the new year doing P90X. I'm going to dedicate a whole post to that later on so I won't go into more detail here, but lets just say that I am three months in to 2013 and I already have 3 of my goals knocked out!
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